So this it not an "Ooo! Merry Christmas, I love decorating and singing Christmas Carols"
Sorry, wrong post. That not what you're going to hear.
Some people might end up saying, "Oh, Emma is such a Grinch, she doesn't like Christmas." If that's you opinion, fine. However it is definitely not how I am trying to come across.
I was waiting until 'my time of the month' was over for this because I tend to be a bit emotional. Okay VERY emotional. But I think i'm pretty good now.
So the title says it all. I don't have the Christmas joy. Most years I can't wait to put decorations up and sing carols, all the 'stuff'. This year I'm just kinda 'blahh' about Christmas. I was kinda like, "Oh it's December.. again".
Some of you may know what happened last Christmas. Other may not know, so I'll do a little overview.
Last Christmas we had our Grandparents from Florida, (and Virginia) over. Our house and hearts were full.
However our joy was crushed when we heard
Luke died the day after Christmas
Two days after the agency called us my Mom had a seizure in her sleep.
Not really a Happy New Year.
So now your caught up, and know all that happened last December.
Okay here is the To Be Honest section.
TBH I have a had a really difficult year.
TBH I was in a depression stage for a while.
TBH I really thought everything was over, my life had fallen apart.
I don't think you really know how it feels when someone losses a close family member unless you've experienced it for yourself. I know I never did.
It like someone takes your heart and rips out part of it.You feel this terrible emptiness.
For some it might be the memories you made together. For me the memories we'll never make together.
Never being able to tell them how much you love them. Never kissing them good-night, and comforting them when they have boo-boos. Never teaching them songs, or reading them stories. These are the things that make my heart ache.
The ache was SO big a year ago, I thought it would never end.
And I don't think it will end. Because I still ache. Not as much as I did them, but it still hurts.
I had this dream (not joking either), and it was like in heaven, or something. I saw Luke, he was running and jumping, and laughing calling my name. It was SO incredibly sweet, and sad.
Really weird, last year during school. Everyone was at the school table and I looked over, and for a split second I like saw him. He was just sitting at the school table smiling. I'm not even kidding. It was SO weird.
Another time I was just laying bed and he was there laying next to me. For only a second.
Maybe I weird. And I little crazy, but it's so true. I saw him.
I've never told anyone about it though.
There were some pins that really spoke to me.
(From Random Board) |
(From My Passion Board) |
So there were a lot of them.
I guess that good, right?
Many of you know this summer we adopted Joshua. What a healing that was. But as I looked back on that time I was reminded of how I felt while visiting some foster homes/orphanages.
Loving those children was like loving Luke.
So while I was holding him..
and him...
and her...
and of course him!
It is like i'm holding (and loving) him.
I feel better writing all this. It been locked away inside waaay too long.
I know this Christmas will have something new for me.
But for now I'm hanging low.
Am I rejoicing over our Savior's birth? Oh course.
Am I excited about presents and family time? Not yet.
By the way, I could never EVER express this out loud. I don't work that way.
(From Me, Myself, and I board) |