
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lily vs. Chopsticks/ Medical Appointment

Well we trucking towards the end of our trip here.
I must say I can't wait till Sat. night! My bed again!
I love China, but there is no place like home!
Last night we had a group dinner at a Cantonise place. (Forgot the name.)
Lily decided that chopsticks were her thing.
Group Dinner Collage
Haha! Isn't she cute?!

Today was Joshua's Medical Appointment.
Did you know the MA arn't on Shiman Island anymore??
They move 4 months ago! To a bigger cleaner and cooler building!
Medical Exam Collage 1

Joshua aparently did very well.
I sat with Lily while Mom and Dad took Joshua to the stations.
(Pictures taken by Dad)

Medical Exam Collage 2

What a trooper!
He had to get a TB test done aswell.
Medical Exam Collage 3
Don't you love the needle picture? :)
Awesome shot Dad!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hello Again Guangzhou!

We are here in Guangzhou!
We met Lily here a little less than 2 years ago!
Plane ride went well!
Joshua LOVED take-off and landing.
However, he's a little squirmy in-between. (Not sitting next to him on the 14 hour flight!)
First Airplane Ride!
Lily slept through the 2 hours flight! (The one time I don't sit next to her!)

Lily sleeping on the plane
We arn't staying on Shiman Island this time.
We are at the China Hotel!
Which is pretty nice. (Our room is kinda small though)
We ate inside the hotel at a place called Food Street!
It was really good!
dinner at food street
Tomorrow (Monday) we have our medical exam. (Oh, Joy!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Park in Zhengzhou

Hello again! Things are going o.k.
On Wednesday Joshua broke out in Hives.
We first thought it might be an allergic reacion. However, after contacting his foster parents we decided they were most likley due to stress.
Please pray for Joshua as his Hives are not going away.

Tonight after eating at the Holiday Inn Express.
We went to the park to blow bubbles and play with light-up spinny things.
Blowing Bubbles
Joshua really digs the bubbles.

Joshua and Daddy
I love when he squints his eyes!

Blowing Raspberries
Blowing raspberries! He's a goofball!

Holding Hands
I wanted to get a picture of J and L holding hands. 

Holding Hands1
It was a succsess!

Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou!
Pray that J and L do a good job! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More Gotcha Day ( After the Gotcha)

Yesterday went REALLY well.
Joshua is doing super awesome.
The poor dude's been through alot this week!

This morning he became OFFICALLY ours!
Yaaaaay! (Don't have those pics right now)

Here are some more photo's from yesterday!
He thought riding on the bus was the coolest thing!
Cutest Smile!
Ain't he cute??
He looked out the window chabbering away in Chinese, the WHOLE time.
Lovin' the Drive
Held Mama's hand too!
After a nap the group took a trip to Walmart.
Just like last time, it was an experiance.
Walmart Bound
Backpack Carrier! (Aparently NOT comfortable)

To the Right ->

Can't go to a Chinese Walmart without seeing something strange!
Yum, just what I've was looking for!
Not unusual, right?
More awesomeness, NOT!

Mr. Handsome
Some cutie to finish it off!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gotcha Joshua!!!

Oh My! What a morning!
Sorry I haven't posted the last few days.
I caught whatever Lily had and have been feeling very poorly.
My Mom has been posting on her blog so you can see our last few days there.

We have Joshua!! O MY GOSH! He is absolutley ADORBLE!
He was SOOO scared at first.
But he didn't cry!
He held on to Mama and looked very overwhelmed and confused.


We gave him some toys and he just sat there.
DSC_0181 DSC_0183 DSC_0188 DSC_0217 DSC_0240 DSC_0258 DSC_0262 DSC_0268
As you can see the smiles came! And they kept going!
We showed him bubbles and he began squeeling!
Right now it's nap time.
There are soo many picures! But it takes FOREVER to upload them so... little at a time!
One Less Orphan Today!
Ya Hooooo!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We're Here!!!!

We are here.
Blogger is working but not as smoothly as at home.
O well!
Lily did great! But the flight was still SUPER long!
We hit some MAJOR turbulance that scared EVERYONE!  
Untied doesn't have as great a movie selection as Delta, so that was a let-down.
But, I watched Captin America in honor of Joy
It was AWESOME! I actually watched it twice cuz I could find anything else!
Sister on an Adventure!

Excited for the trip!
The sky to come!Mom and LilyIsolated DadLets Go!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Black & White Wednesday: Week 4- We're Off!

Off we go! Our flight is at 12:20pm. 
It's a direct flight!
14 hours of pure awesomeness...
Please pray for us, and for Lily!
She's got antibiotics in her. So lets hope she does well!
Pray for Joshua, cuz he was sent back to his Orphanage.
Pray that no one else get's sick!
black&white wed. week 4
I'm not going to judge any photo's this week, cuz I'll be a tad busy! 
But feel free to link-up anyway!
1 Take a photo, that goes with that weeks theme, in B&W or convert an image to B&W.
2 Link up (By clicking the blue "add your link" button at the bottom of the post) on Wednesday (or Thur.) with the URL of your blog post(Please don't use your blog URL)
3 Leave a positive comment of some of the other links.
4 On Friday I will post showing my favorites, and the winner.

*Note: Please use recent photo's that you have taken. Don't use someone else's work.*

Also, If you wish to join our photo challenge, please be a follower of this blog. It is not required, but would be appreciated!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Packing is DONE

Well, maybe not completely done.
Pretty close though.
There is SO much to bring!
And it's a good thing we have lots of suitcases!


No one had to worry about being hungry.
We have enough Buddy Fruit to feed an army!

The checklist has checks.


And Josh is waiting patiently for us!
Joshua on stairs at Hallers
Not sure if I've shown you guys these pics!
*Lily went to the doctor this morning and was diagnosed with strep. Please pray she will take her medicine and swallow it. She gagged it up earlier*