
Friday, July 27, 2012

Park in Zhengzhou

Hello again! Things are going o.k.
On Wednesday Joshua broke out in Hives.
We first thought it might be an allergic reacion. However, after contacting his foster parents we decided they were most likley due to stress.
Please pray for Joshua as his Hives are not going away.

Tonight after eating at the Holiday Inn Express.
We went to the park to blow bubbles and play with light-up spinny things.
Blowing Bubbles
Joshua really digs the bubbles.

Joshua and Daddy
I love when he squints his eyes!

Blowing Raspberries
Blowing raspberries! He's a goofball!

Holding Hands
I wanted to get a picture of J and L holding hands. 

Holding Hands1
It was a succsess!

Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou!
Pray that J and L do a good job! 


  1. He is too cute, Emma! Luke loves bubbles, too. :) I've been reading your mom's blog--the video of the traffic was classic! It's always an adventure over there, huh? :)

    Praying for you guys, and for those hives to go away!

    God bless you!
    Joy :)


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