
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Black & White Wednesday: Week 4- We're Off!

Off we go! Our flight is at 12:20pm. 
It's a direct flight!
14 hours of pure awesomeness...
Please pray for us, and for Lily!
She's got antibiotics in her. So lets hope she does well!
Pray for Joshua, cuz he was sent back to his Orphanage.
Pray that no one else get's sick!
black&white wed. week 4
I'm not going to judge any photo's this week, cuz I'll be a tad busy! 
But feel free to link-up anyway!
1 Take a photo, that goes with that weeks theme, in B&W or convert an image to B&W.
2 Link up (By clicking the blue "add your link" button at the bottom of the post) on Wednesday (or Thur.) with the URL of your blog post(Please don't use your blog URL)
3 Leave a positive comment of some of the other links.
4 On Friday I will post showing my favorites, and the winner.

*Note: Please use recent photo's that you have taken. Don't use someone else's work.*

Also, If you wish to join our photo challenge, please be a follower of this blog. It is not required, but would be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your trip, and that Joshua will be safe as well. Oh, and for Lily too, that she will feel better soon! It has got to be rough being in another country and being sick poor girl!


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