
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to Properly Clean Your Makeup Brushes

I mentioned in last week's post that I would have an in-depth post on cleaning your makeup brushes. 
I want to start off by saying some of my pictures are a bit out of focus. Sorry, I was trying to take pictures with one hand and clean my brushes in the other. More difficult than I thought it would be.

"Why should I clean my makeup brushes?" you might have asked.
Well, as you rub brushes all over your face and eyes, oils, dirt, and dead skin begin to build up inside. Yuck! And if your using a sponge to apply makeup, bacteria and fungus can begin to grow inside. (Excuse me while I go throw up...) 
If you're not cleaning your makeup tools your skin is at risk of breaking out, and other nasty things.
The good news is, it is SUPER easy to clean your brushes and sponges

All you need is dish soap (or baby soap) and some olive oil!

Squeeze about a quarter size drop on a plate, and then a nickle size drop of olive oil.

Completely wet your brush.

Then stir it around in your soap/oil mixture.

It should begin looking really gross. This brush was used for foundation, so you can see a skin toned color to the mixture.

After mixing for a bit, rinse your brush out and squeeze as much water out as possible.

Mold the bristles back to their original form for drying. These brushes can stand alone, so I just set them upright.

Face Sponges are just as easy to clean as brushes. You can see the foundation in this sponge.

Just like brushes, wet your sponge completely.

Next you'll only use dish soap (no olive oil in sponges), but put the soap in your hand instead of on a plate.
Work the soap through the sponge, drawing out the makeup. When your sponge is thoroughly soaped up, rinse and squeeze all the soap out. **It is important to make sure all the soap is out, or the sponge can get ruined when soap drys inside.**  

Squeeze dry the sponge in a clean towel and let it air dry.

**If brushes cannot stand alone, let them dry off a counter.**

I recommend giving your brushes a full 12 hours to dry. Some brushes may dry sooner, but that is about average. Sponges can, of course, be used wet, so you could use your sponge right after cleaning.

Some sources say to clean your makeup brushes once a week.. however lets be honest here, nobody has the time to wash all their brushes every week. I wash mine about every 3 weeks. 

What did I tell you? Easy right! 
So did you know all this information already? Or is this new stuff? Comment!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I found your blog through "According to Em" and I already love it. Great tutorial! Looking forward to reading more!

    See me @ curiousramblingsbychloe.blogspot.ccom


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