
Friday, October 26, 2012

Looking for a New Look?

As I've been changing my blog.
I've learned a lot.
With HTML code,
photo editors,
and blog data.

So, I have a new blog:

Cool, right?

Well I need to make a portfolio. 
Which takes blogs.

So, this is where you come in!

Want a blog design?
Well you can have one free!
Until I get a strong portfolio, I won't be charging a penny!

What will it look like?
You decide!
But look around here, and over at SUYB!

There is also a quiz on the Contact Me page!

Hope to hear from you! 


  1. Hmm. Our blog could take some touching up. I'll discuss it with the other authors.

  2. Very cool! I will stop by your new blog, by the way I will be taking your button down since it has been over a month.


  3. I would love a new blog design! Blogger doesn't give you enough cool ones to choose from! How do I get involved?

    Thanks, Ciara


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