
Friday, October 26, 2012

Looking for a New Look?

As I've been changing my blog.
I've learned a lot.
With HTML code,
photo editors,
and blog data.

So, I have a new blog:

Cool, right?

Well I need to make a portfolio. 
Which takes blogs.

So, this is where you come in!

Want a blog design?
Well you can have one free!
Until I get a strong portfolio, I won't be charging a penny!

What will it look like?
You decide!
But look around here, and over at SUYB!

There is also a quiz on the Contact Me page!

Hope to hear from you! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Joshua's 3rd Birthday"

Yesterday was Joshua's 3rd birthday!
Just like Lily, he is now 3!

Thanks to Lily and Aaron, he knew just what to expect, when it came to cake (cookie) and presents.

We celebrated with Cookie Cake. (Made by Mom)
He did a fantastic job blowing out his candles. 
But only ate half his cookies, because he wanted to move to presents.

Those he enjoyed thoroughly, especially the cards!

Happy Birthday Josh!
I love you. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Simple Sunday"

Indeed it was! Spent the day relaxing after church, watching football, napping, and roasting marshmallows!
Hope ya'll had as nice a Sunday as us!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"No Longer a 'Teen'"

Today Aaron turned 20. Wow! Right? 
We celebrates, (when he got home from work) by going to Salsarita's for Dinner. The eating a Dairy Queen Blizzard ice cream cake for dessert!
Josh thought it was awesome and he absolutely ADORES his big bro!
We have four October birthday's in our house.
Lily's was a couple weeks ago.
Aaron's today.


Josh's is on Monday,
and Ally's is next Friday.

It's A LOT!
Lot's of Birthday love in October!!

Happy Birthday, Aaron!
This marks the end of your childhood.
Say bye bye to the Teens and hello to adulthood!
We Love You!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Into the Navy"

Today was a big day for my brother, Aaron.
As of this afternoon my brother is in the Navy.

He swore in today and will be shipping out for boot-camp November 24.

He is now in the Advanced Electronics/ Computer Field. (AECF)

In "A" school they will determine whether he is a Fire Control Man (FC) or and Electronics Technician (ET).

He'll return from Boot Camp after Christmas and then go to "A" school.

Congratulations Aaron.
We are very proud!


*Photo's courtesy of Dad and Mom. (I was watching everyone else at home.)*


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sunday Snapshot...

Remember this picture???
Well I won Sunday Snapshot for that week!
Ni Hao Yall
And now it's time to vote for the favorites!
I'd REALLY love it if you'd go vote for me/Lily!!
So head on over to Ni Hao Ya'll

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Snapshot- "Guess Who's 3?"

How is it possible? It seems like yesterday she was a little tiny baby, and now she's 3?? I feel as if we just picked her up in China!
But look at her, all spunky and gorgeous. She's SO incredible!

Currently, her "thing" is Hello Kitty. She LOVES Blue Clue's. 
I can't say she has a favorite color. But she seems to like pink, yellow, and blue. She doesn't understand matching, she thinks the shirt and pants must be the exact same color. If there not, it really bother her.

She really enjoys playing with baby dolls and her favorite she has named, Jill. I was think her baby was a female, but apparently it's a "him"...
She likes to help me pick out my clothes. Watch me put make-up on, and do my hair. She has been able to convince, Ally, to get some lip-gloss on her, the nut!

I often ask her if she want me to do her hair and she'll say, "Emma, you gonna do braid?"

I love you more than words could say. Your absolutely AMAZING, adorable, funny... I could go on forever! Keep shining, your a very spunky lil' gal. Love ya,


I took these photo's with a 
Nikon D5000
My setting for the first photo were:
Apt: f/5.3
ISO: 500
Ni Hao Yall
Happy Jax