
Friday, July 6, 2012

Black and White Wednesday Week #2: Winners

This weeks theme was Nature. However the winning photo isn't of Nature.
This weeks winner is:
from Happy Jax
Black and White Wednesday Winner #2

I love his silhouette! It's an AWESOME Photo!
Here is your Winner Button!

This weeks favorite goes to:
from Hangin' Out in the Sunflower Patch
Black and White Wedneday Favorite #2

Your picture is very clear and the water droplets add a nice effect!
Also thank-you to Karen, and Lauren who also participated!

I'm not sure what to do for next weeks theme. If you have any idea's let me know!


  1. Oh WOW Emma! I am SO thrilled, thank you! You made my day!

    Lol... I'll get more into the theme next week, promise! I was thinking to myself as I linked it up... "Well, he's (kind of) looking at nature in the background?"

    Thanks again, & congrats to Karen! GREAT pic)

  2. A future theme could be of animals...just a suggestion :)

  3. Great photos!! How about something you love for next week theme? Any would be fun! Have a great day!

  4. Lauren and Ruthie had great ideas for next week's theme... how about (in the future) buildings, books, a favorite place, chair, or shoes?? Just some ideas off the top of my head ;)

  5. Thank you for choosing my photo as a favorite of the week. :) I am homeschooled, too!


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