
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cake Pops

This week, until Saturday I am with my grandparents.
Just me!
So my project yesterday was:
Make Cake Pops! What are these? It's a ball of cake dipped in chocolate.
Yeah it's pretty awesome. I got the cook book, made by this lady, last Christmas.

Cake Pops!!! (Book)
I LOVE baking, especially in a BIG kitchen, which my grandparents have!

Cake Pops! Collage #2 (finished)
Their SO simple too! Just...
Bake a cake
 Crumble it in a bowl
Add some icing and mix

Cake Pops! Collage #3 (finished)
Let em' firm up in the fridge
Dip em' in chocolate
Add some amazingly colorful sprinkles

Cake Pops! Collage #4 (finished)
(If I had a styrafoam block) Stick the stick in the block.
Mine are upside down cuz I forgot about the foam!
Anyway,  YOU should try them too!

tye dye shirt collage
Oh Yeah... I tye dyed a shirt too!


  1. Sounds fun! I've never had a cake pop, but they sure do look pretty!

    I linked up to B+W Wednesdays. :)

    God bless you!
    Joy :)

  2. Oh my goodness! I love the pictures, they are absoutely wonderful! I couldn't believe my eyes. I know that you edit them, but yet that takes some talent, doesn't it? Sounds like lots of fun, hopefully you enjoy your time with your grandparents.
    I have tye dyed shorts before, and I thought it was pretty fun! (actually I have them on right now:)

  3. Wow those cake pops look delicious! I have had one before, but they didn't look quite as good as those!
    I hope you have a great time at your grandparent's house!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sarah Lauren's auntJune 28, 2012 at 8:49 PM

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  5. Wow!!!!! and Yum!!!

    Love those pictures...especially the one with the cake and open oven. Very nice photos!

    Just so talented all around!

    Love & miss you!


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