
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lil' Miss Cutie~ Sunday Snapshot and Finangle a Foto

Picture Post. I'm home from my G-parents!
Settling into normal life!



Have a wonderful Sunday!

Ni Hao Yall

Happy Jax

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Black & White Wednesday Week #1 Winners

It was a fairly good turn out for the first week!
I hope that as it continues more people will link-up!
This weeks winner is...
b&w wed. week 1 winner
 Ruthie took a fab photo of Joy! Her eyes are SO beautiful. 
All I want to do is kiss her sweet cheeks!        

                               Go ahead and grab your winner button! You deserve it!                                              

This weeks favorite goes to...
b&w wed. fav. week 1
Karen's pictures of old church steeples were pretty awesome!
You also may grab your winner button!

Thanks to all who participated this week and look forward to next Wednesday!
Oh! Next week's theme is Nature.
Be creative and use your imagination!

Cake Pops

This week, until Saturday I am with my grandparents.
Just me!
So my project yesterday was:
Make Cake Pops! What are these? It's a ball of cake dipped in chocolate.
Yeah it's pretty awesome. I got the cook book, made by this lady, last Christmas.

Cake Pops!!! (Book)
I LOVE baking, especially in a BIG kitchen, which my grandparents have!

Cake Pops! Collage #2 (finished)
Their SO simple too! Just...
Bake a cake
 Crumble it in a bowl
Add some icing and mix

Cake Pops! Collage #3 (finished)
Let em' firm up in the fridge
Dip em' in chocolate
Add some amazingly colorful sprinkles

Cake Pops! Collage #4 (finished)
(If I had a styrafoam block) Stick the stick in the block.
Mine are upside down cuz I forgot about the foam!
Anyway,  YOU should try them too!

tye dye shirt collage
Oh Yeah... I tye dyed a shirt too!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Black and White Wednesday~ Week 1

Well it's week 1!
The theme is whatever you want I to be!
Whatever is your favorite!
Ally Black&White Collage #1  

Black & White Wednesday (Week 1)


1 Take a photo, that goes with that weeks theme, in B&W or convert an image to B&W.
2 Link up on Wednesday with the URL of your blog post(Please don't use your blog URL)
3 Leave a positive comment of some of the other links.
4 On Friday I will post showing my favorites, and the winner.

*Note: Please use recent photo's that you have taken. Don't use someone else's work.*

Also, If you wish to join our photo challenge, please be a follower of this blog. It is not required, but it would be appreciated!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I start this,
and oh, how I hope you play along.
I don't know how this will turn out, so I guess it will be a surprise.
Read all about my new bling here.

Till Tomorrow then!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mermaids~ Paper Mama Photo Challenge

I'm sure ya'll are noticing my overload of Photo Link-ups!
Well, I enjoy them, and I'm gonna keep on going!
The theme is Summer, so i decided to do this one Anna-Grace and Ally.

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hydrangeas- Sunday Snapshot and Finagle a Foto

These bushes, grow outside our home every year.
This year they are a pretty baby blue.
Sometimes, however, they come in Pink and Purple!

These aren't our hydrangeas, but our close friends and neighbors. 
Their white fence made their color look so vibrant.

The sun was shining perfectly and made the grass look golden yellow!


Have a wonderful Sunday!

Ni Hao Yall

Happy Jax

Friday, June 22, 2012

Vacant Shoes- Favorite Foto Friday

Why is that a fav. photo, Emma?
Well, I see these shoes, sitting in a basket, every day. Among other vacant clothes.
Whenever I see them sitting there I'm reminded of a precious face I will soon kiss!

That's why I love this "temporarily-vacant" shoes.
I can't wait for the day when I tie their laces!

the long road

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Article 5!!!

We got our Article 5 yesterday!!
Next is Travel Approval!
Which should arrive within 2-4 weeks!

So 3-7 weeks until China!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sweet Sunday

My Photo doesn't have to do with Father's Day because the camera battery died abruptly.
However I did have time to shoot this one of Ally!


Happy Jax

Ni Hao Yall

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Mystery of Kolbe Mansion: Part V

Read Part IV here.
Part V: Learning More

Uncle Bill’s face appeared a moment later.
            “We were just exploring Uncle Bill,” I said Annie came over beside me when Uncle Bill arrived.
            “Exploring huh? More like sneaking around, you guys should have stayed in your room.”
            “But you said we could go anywhere in the house we wanted except the room at the end of the hall” Annie remarked coming out from behind me. Uncle Bill sneered,
            “Supper’s ready come on downstairs.” We went back down the stairs and into a large dining room. It had a large table that sat twelve people but only Uncle Bill, Annie, and I sat at the table. Chicken was brought in along with bread, potatoes, and a variety of fruit. Uncle Bill began to eat when Annie said,
            “What about Grace?”
            “What about her?” Uncle Bill asked,
            “Don’t you say it,” Annie asked him.
            “Pray? Oh uh well you say it,” He told. She bowed her head and closed her eyes.
            “Dear Lord thank you for the delicious meal you have given us and allowing Uncle Bill to pick us up at the train station. Please help Uncle Bill to like me more he doesn’t seem to enjoy having me around, in Jesus name Amen.” Annie raised her head and began to eat not realizing Uncle Bill’s astonishment to her prayer.
            “You think I don’t like you?” question Uncle Bill awkwardly.
            “Nope you yelled at me and you don’t like my name.” Annie told him and continued eating.
            “I didn’t mean to yell at you and I do like your name I was just surprised is all. I knew some one years ago with that name, she was very special to me.”
            I looked at Annie and she looked at me. We continued eating. After supper we were sent to bed early because of our long day. There were two beds in our room separated by a night stand. Annie turned the light out and we lay in our beds.
            “Owen, where is Uncle Bill’s son?” she asked me,
            “I don’t know Annie, I don’t know.”
            We woke up the next morning to smell of flapjacks and bacon. We ate our breakfast in a hurry and ran out into the yard to spend our morning. We walked around the house and ended up in the garden. We saw a man, who was very old working there pulling up weeds and spreading up dirt.
            “What’s your name?” Annie asked him,
            “Oh me,” he said, “I’m Lance, the garden, and who might you two be?”
            “I am Annie,” she told him, “and this is my brother Owen.”
            “Hello Owen!” he said,
            “Hi,” I replied.
            “What are you two up to this fine day?” he asked us tugging on a root.
            “Were looking for clues,” Annie told him, “to find out what happened to Miss Anne.”
            “Is that so?” he said, “and where did ya here about her?”
            “The man at the train station told us,” I said.
            “Oh,” he replied pulling harder on the root. “It’s really a sad story about Miss Anne and her- he stopped, hoping we hadn’t heard the ‘and’.
            “And her son?” I asked. He looked at me shocked,
            “Yes,” he whispered, “did you uncle tell you about Will J.?”
            “Will J.” I said, “Was that his name? We found the birth certificate in the attic.”
            “Oh, is that where William put it?”
            “What happened to him Mr. Lance?” Annie asked him.
            “First, it’s not ‘Mr. Lance’, it’s just Lance. Second I can’t tell you what happened to Miss Anne or Will J., you’ll have to ask you Uncle that.”
            We said good-bye to Lance and Annie and I walked around to the other side of the house.
            “Well he wasn’t much help. All we know is that Uncle Bill’s son’s name was Will J..”
            “It’s a start” Annie said, “and we’re learning more!”

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Mystery of Kolbe Mansion: Part IV

View Part III here.
Part IV: The Mystery Begins

The stairs creaked as Annie and I stepped onto them. The stairs seemed to never end, going up, up, up. Annie who was small and didn’t weigh much dashed up them without another thought, but I was much bigger and heavier what if one of the beams was to give in? I took it slowly avoiding stairs I thought were unsteady. 
            “Owen you should see it up here, it’s old and dusty and… eww spider webs!” Annie called from the top.
            “Annie wait for me!” I said making my pace a little faster. I reached the top to see a large room that was much warmer than the rest of the house. “Oh Annie it’s only a dusty old attic.”
            “Well look at all the stuff maybe we can figure out something by looking at it.” Annie said, I shrugged and began to look around. There were many trunks and a lot of pictures.
            “Hey Owen look at this pretty dress, and that grand tuxedo.” Annie exclaimed pointing to a bunch of old clothes.
            “The dresses must be Miss. Anne’s and the other’s Uncle Bill’s.” I continued to look around I saw a picture half covered by an old sheet. “Annie look it’s a picture of a woman.” I moved the sheet and it reveled a beautiful woman with an orchard in the background. The woman had long wavy brown hair, her face was pale and her lips a ruby red.
            “It’s Miss Anne,” Annie exclaimed.
            “It must be,” I said turning the painting over. “Look it has writing.”
To Mrs. Anne Kolbe of Kolbe Manor.
September 3, 1933
            “Let me see if it was painted in 1933, and its 1940….,” I thought subtracting in my head, “Seven years ago, when the man at the station said Uncle Bill and Miss Anne were married. It must have been a wedding present.” 
            “Hey look Owen old letters.” Annie said holding up a pile of letters. I went over and look at an envelope.
Mrs. Anne Kolbe
1630 Sycamore Lane
 Mayfield IW 09973

Miss Anne Layton
1630 Sycamore Lane
Mayfield IW 09973

Annie Kolbe
1630 Sycamore Lane
Mayfield IW 09973
            “There all the same, to Miss Anne.” I said wishing there was more.
            “Why don’t you read them?” Annie asked, I then opened a letter and read aloud.

Dear Annie,
I am sorry I was unable to contact you further. With rumors of war I had no time for such things. Grandfather Lee died two weeks ago and Mother asked me to write to you. How is your new home? Are you happy with William? I must visit you soon and see you again.

            “Who’s Kate I wonder.” I opened another letter addressed to Mrs. Kolbe.

Dear Mrs. Kolbe,
We regret to inform you that you father, Daniel Layton passed away early in the morning on September 3ed, 1933. A copy of his will has been enclosed.

            ‘Miss Anne’s Daddy died,” Annie said sadly,
            “September third the same day she was married.” I opened another letter.

Dearest Annie,
I have wondered how to start this letter many times. You mother passed away from the fever. The Doctor said she was too weak and never had a chance. She spoke of you before she died and said great things. Grieving with you in the time of hurt.
Aunt Cherrie

            “Poor Miss Anne she’s loosing all her loved ones!” I said. “Hey look at this piece of paper it’s… a birth certificate for,”

William Henry Kolbe Jr.
Born, August 8, 1934
Mother, Anne Grace Layton Kolbe
Father, William Henry Kolbe

            “Uncle Bill has a son who’s your age Annie!” I exclaimed.
            “Who’s up there?” A voice from below boomed.

Monday, June 11, 2012


is SO incredibly difficult. Especially when your waiting for this cutie!
I realize July and August are just around the corner, but it's just SO hard!

This morning we received an email with some pictures of Josh with chocolate all over his face.
I must say, he'll fit right in! 
Joshua and Chocolate
According to the email, Josh said, "But the Chocolate was so good!"

Joshua with Friends
Here another picture of Josh with his little buddies